Just a tiny spillover of my job to share with you.
If you are a linked open data portal administrator in Spain is quite likely that you have chosen the Spanish regulation to categorize all the datasets in your catalogue. The coming EU regulation, DCAT-AP use a slightly different approach, and they have qualified around 250.000 datasets according to this new regulation in the pan-eu open data portal. Don’t they?. Maybe the table below will help you to simplify while reassigning your informations to the new categorization coming in.
Topics in DCAT-AP v1.1 |
Topics in Spanish regulation NTI reutilización |
Science and technology | ciencia-tecnologia |
Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food | medio-rural-pesca |
Economy and finance | economia comercio hacienda |
Education, culture and sport | educacion cultura-ocio deporte |
Energy | energia |
Environment | medio-ambiente |
Government and public sector | sector-publico |
Health | salud |
International issues | |
Justice, legal system and public safety | Legislacion-justicia seguridad |
Regions and cities | |
Population and society | demografia sociedad-bienestar empleo |
Transport | transporte |
industria |
Of course it is an absolutely unofficial categorization so it is open for improvement. Use it ‘As is’ no guarantee.
Good luck!
Artículo publicado el 12 de marzo en gobernamos.com
Helping Spanish linked open data portals to meet EU regulations